St. Louis community learns about healthy and unhealthy brains
St. Louis Neuroscience Outreach had the second Amazing Brain Carnival (ABC) of the year at the SciFest: Health and Safety Expo on Saturday, November 19, 2022. Visitors saw the actual human brain, front and center of the ABC exhibits and were excited to touch it.
They learned about activities and choices that support brain health through games made by ABC volunteers. The Neurodegeneration Game showed them how everyone gets plaques, but some get more and others clear less, and that’s how neurodegeneration progresses. The brain plasticity game was a colorful way to learn about the importance of sleep for learning. At the Jellybean Taste Test, children were surprised to realize that the nose is also important for tasting. Children were charmed by the hand-sewn neuron toys that showed them how neurons connect and talk to each other at synapses. The classic ABC demos on Stroop Effect, Proprioception and Prism Goggles showed the visitors how healthy brains can encounter illusions.